Author's posts

Security Advisory: Safety Precautions on N2 Freeway

Dear property and business owners.  Please take note of the attached security advisory regarding safety precautions on the N2 Freeway, especially near the Cape Town International Airport.  To read the full document please click here.

General Valuation 2012 – All property owners please take note

2012 General Valuation Roll (GV2012) The City of Cape Town’s 2012 General Valuation Roll (GV2012) was certified by the City Manager on 31 January 2013.In terms of legislation, a valuation roll remains valid for the financial year in which it is produced, and then for one or more subsequent financial years as the municipality may …

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Our social upliftment programme starts

It is a great achievement for the Maitland CID.  Following extensive planning and consultation the Maitland CID has partnered with various NGO’s to assist the management of the CID in taking homeless people off the streets of Maitland.  But simply putting people in a shelter without any means to sustain their stay at the shelter …

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Please join our Recycling Project

Many of our businesses in the Maitland City Improvement District (Maitcid) area generate recyclable waste on a daily basis.  It has become common practice for some of our businesses in the Maitland CID area to simply dump cardboard and other waste on the sidewalks in front of their businesses with the expectation that vagrants will …

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Law Enforcement Joins the Maitland CID

Through the very kind assistance of the local ward councillor, Councillor Derrick America, the Maitland CID now has the assistance of two Law Enforcement Officers every day.  The officers assist the Maitland CID in addressing By-law and non-moving violations in the area, thereby maintaining a high standard of public safety in the Maitland CID area.

Night-time operations brings results

The Maitland CID planned and executed a number of night-time operations with the Maitland SAPS during the festive season and into January 2013.  Following some of these operations a number of persons were charged for traffic related offences sending a strong message to transgressors that the Maitland area is well policed.  In two instances measurable …

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Have you seen our mobile command post?

Since December 2012 the Maitland CID deployed the mobile command post every day.  The mobile command post was donated by the Department of Community Safety.  The command post is used as a reporting point for our public safety patrollers and as a contact point for the public.   Since its deployment the SAPS and other Law …

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Spot our new look

We are very proud of our new look!  Our MaitCID patrol officers now have a brand new and fresh look with high visibility reflective jackets.  Geocentric, the appointed management company for the Maitland CID partnered with the Safety Lab and the Centre for Criminology at UCT to develop a training course for public safety patrol …

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New Cleaning Company Appointed

Essential Cleaning joins the Maitland CID from 1 January 2013.  Essential will provide additional public cleaning in the Maitland CID.  You will recognise our cleaning team with their brigh new reflective jackets.  Essential Cleaning provides three staff members to the Maitland CID.  They will follow a 5-day schedule that covers the entire Maitland CID.  After …

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Please join us for our AGM