Tag: MaitCID

Welcoming a new year, new challenges and new triumphs

Top 10 Tips To Keep Your Store Safe This Festive Season

While many of us see the festive season as a time to kick back and relax, for the retail sector it is the busiest time of the year. With high volumes of high-value stock, seasonal staff and more capital flowing through our premises than any other time of the year staying safe is a definite priority. 

How to Prepare Your Property For the Festive Season

Here are our top tips to keep your property safe so you can enjoy the festive season

City Improvement District By-Law & City Improvement District Policy

Have your say on the proposed changes to the City Improvement District By-Law & City Improvement District Policy

Our Facade Improvement Programme- Building a Better Future

Bestselling entrepreneurial author Jim Rohn once said, “The good things we build – end up building us”. In the Maitland City Improvement District (MAITCID), our streets are no utopia, but at the MAITCID we are committed to collaboratively improving our community. We believe that improvement is contagious – which is why we have initiated our …

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Clean-up of MiCiti corridor

The CID did a clean up of the MyCiti corridor in Koeberg Road.   “We are experiencing difficulty with communication between us and the Department of Transport of the City Council in this regard,” said MaitCID manager, Gerhard van Rensburg of Geocentric Urban Management  Initially the development would have been ended of with landscaping which was …

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Some of the Public Safety Incidents in Maitland this Month

Assault  On 4 February at about 00h36 in the morning an assault was witnessed in Camden Road, where a person from Garden Village was assaulted as he left Tiffany’s Night Club. The injured person was taken to Groote Schuur Hospital by ambulance (see photos).  Arrested in possession of stolen property  On 6 February at the Camp Road public parking …

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Urban Management Trolley Introduced

The Geocentric Urban Management Trolley Project was initiated in 2017.  The aim of the project is to provide urban cleaning and maintenance teams with a platform to improve their daily tasks, assist with moving of equipment and tools and enable recycling while performing their tasks.  A few design considerations were introduced into the design of …

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Become a member of the Maitland CID

Membership of the SRA, which is a non-profit company registered under the Companies Act, is open to all the registered property owners who are encouraged to apply for membership so that they may exercise their rights to influence the business of the SRA. Membership cannot be denied to a registered property owner and as a …

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